I'm back! Sorry for my absence here lately, I've been busy completing my Masters degree in speech-language pathology! I had a wonderful graduation and was reminded this past Sunday how much I love being a mommy and how blessed I am. This post is going to be all over the place, so hold on.
The bad news McFatty Monday officially took a back seat during these last few weeks and I've gained weight. I'm going to start charting my meals and such again and I'm continuing to work out. Working out didn't stop while I was so busy, but I definitely didn't work out as hard.
More bad news is that I'm pretty certain my PCOS and endometriosis are coming back, despite my reproductive endocrinologist's best efforts. I'm going to the doctor this month for bloodwork, and we may have to decide quickly about conceiving again.
Good news! I got a job!!!!!! Yay!! I'm officially Ashley Lastname, MS SLP-CFY!! Woohoo!!!
Have a wonderful week, everybody, I'm tired out from my internship and hospital rounds!