Saturday, March 12, 2011

My unpopular opinion for today

So my unpopular opinion was brought to the forefront this morning whilst checking my facebook page. I was having a lovely morning when all of a sudden I come across a post from a college acquaintance from undergrad. She's pregnant, which is wonderful. It's a boy, which is fantastic. Here's the kicker: His name? 


That's right, ya'll, she's naming her boy Jayms, which is pronounced James for those of you whose eyes are so burned by the addition of the 'y' and deletion of the 'e' in what is otherwise a strong, traditional male name that you cannot possibly go back to read it again and decipher the pronunciation. 

So my unpopular opinion isn't necessarily that people name their kids trendy names or anything, although I do have a friend who is naming her son a horrendous made-up name that he'll probably change the second he turns 18. Nobody wants to trust a 30 year old man named Aspen to be their financial advisor or something equally as professional one day. 

I hate made-up names. I hate additional letters or blatant changing of the spelling just to make your kid "unique". They're not unique, they're weird. That, and they'll spend the rest of their lives saying "My name is James. J-A-Y-M-S. Yes, I know it's weird."

We named our daughter Sarah. Classic? Yes. Plain? Maybe. Will anybody ever look at her name and say, "What were her parents thinking?" Absolutely not.

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